Friday, December 14, 2012

Layla's Orchestra Concert

This evening, we arrived at Salk Elementary to support Layla at her first orchestra concert, where she played the violin.  Unfortunately, our small girlie was put in the back row and we weren't able to get any pictures or videos of her performance.  The concert included her group, the 4th graders and also two other groups, the 5th graders and 6th graders.  So we had to sit through the entire concert before Layla was dismissed.

As little brothers do, Zackery had the hardest time sitting still and being supportive.  The picture included shows the self-portraits Zackery took as he entertained himself.  I told him, "Zackery, please listen to concert!"  He responded with the series of photos in the collage.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving Fun

Zackery played basketball while he waited for Thanksgiving Feast

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Photo Share

Layla supporting her favorite team!

Mom said no to dessert.   This is the face she got.

Grrr...I'm the Hulk!

They insisted on trying on hat and getting pictures, too.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Zack Speaks Post-Tonsils

10.4.12 - Goodbye Tonsils

Mommy and Zackery left for Phoenix Children's Hospital at 5:45 a.m. to check in by 6:15 a.m.  Zackery was just excited that he didn't have to go to school.  When we arrived, he was hesitant to put on his hospital clothes, but soon calmed when he got to play with the itouch and go to the  toy room.  He played a game of Chutes and Ladders with Mom and another pre-op child.  He also attempted Operation.  By 7:30 a.m., the male nurse summoned us back to our room, where they gave him some liquid sedation to take him down.  Within 15 minutes, Zackery was acting goofy and could hardly keep his heavy eyelids open.  He attempted many times to lift his head up and he tried to grab the bars on the bed to lift himself up, but the medicine won. I had to keep reminding him to just lie down.  Around 8:00 a.m. Daddy got to the hospital.  Dad had made sure Layla got on the school bus okay.  At 8:15 a.m. the anesthelogist came and wheeled Zackery away.
Even though the surgery was considered minor, we were still so worried as parents do. However, 30 minutes later, the doctor/surgeon had come out to tell us the tonsils were gone and Zackery did wonderful! We began our wait to see if he could go home. The doctor was considering an overnight stay just in case (due to Zackery's medical history). We got to go wait with him in his curtained post-op room, as he snored his last snores. The nurses let him sleep the anesthesia off and soon started trying to wake him up. He was tired. But he drank some apple juice for us and ate an orange popsicle.  He also managed to smile for us when we took pictures and quickly off to dreamland he went.  We waited for about 3 hours before Zack finally decided to get up and breathe well enough for the nurses and doctor to feel comfortable.  By 1:00 p.m., we were driving into our driveway at home.  He slept the rest of the day, which was probably good for him so that he didn't have to feel any pain.  He's still amazes us with his strength. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Back to School

August 6-7: The kids' auntie Shawna came and watched Layla and Zackery while Mom and Dad were working.  They really enjoyed their time with Shawna, who surprised us by running a tight ship while we were working.  I'm glad she came and helped us out.  It was our pleasure to have her with us.  Somewhere in this process, Layla became a One Direction fan.  There were lots of Fan Signs laying around her room.

August 8: First Day of School for my 4th Grader (gasp!) and my Kindergartener (double gasp!)
Layla went willingly and excitedly.  Zackery, on the other hand, was anxious and angry.  The morning to get him ready was a horrific event.  Nonetheless, he begrudingly got there.  Come dismissal time, his attitude had changed and was looking forward to a new day at school.  Since it was a difficult morning, no cute pictures were taken.  What I eventually got was a 2nd day of school pic!  I'm just glad his attitude has changed and they both enjoy school.  Mornings are still a bit difficult, but I blame myself.  They inherited the "not-a-morning-person" gene from me.
So summer is over!  Everyone's back to work and back to school! :/